—— 4 months ago · 5 min read ——

Crypto mixers in a surveillance society

The tension between privacy and security has reached a critical point. Following the lead of the United States, the European Union (EU) has begun to crack down on crypto mixers and privacy coins for their ability to make cryptocurrency payments anonymous. This shift marks a significant step towards increased surveillance in the digital realm, raising concerns about the future of privacy in an over-monitored society.

The EU innovation hub for internal security

The EU Innovation Hub for Internal Security is a collaborative platform that brings together various entities within the internal security community, including Eurojust, Europol, the European Commission's Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs, the European Council's Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, and the European Commission's Joint Research Center. This Hub recently published its first report on encryption, highlighting the complications that privacy coins and crypto mixers bring to regulatory attempts.

The first report on encryption warns law enforcement of the serious challenges posed by these technologies. This report highlights the difficulty of conducting blockchain surveillance and crypto tracing when using these privacy-enhancing tools. The EU Innovation Hub's message is clear: the anonymity provided by privacy coins and crypto mixers will hamper any regulatory efforts and complicate investigations.

Crytpo mixers and anonymous blockchain transactions

The report delves into how privacy coins, crypto mixers, and Layer 2 platforms can significantly obfuscate blockchain transactions, making it very difficult for law enforcement to trace funds.

Anonymous cryptocurrencies, such as Monero, are designed with privacy at their core, obscuring the identities of the sender and receiver, as well as the amount of the transaction. Cryptocurrency mixers, on the other hand, anonymize transactions by pooling and redistributing funds from multiple users, effectively breaking the link between the original sender and receiver. Layer 2 platforms further complicate blockchain oversight by enabling transactions that are not directly recorded on the main blockchain, making it even more difficult to trace the movement of funds.

These tools pose significant obstacles to blockchain monitoring and crypto tracing, and the report highlights the need for law enforcement to be prepared to encounter them in their investigations. One notable example is Tornado Cash, a crypto mixer that has come under intense scrutiny. Recently, Tornado Cash developer Alexey Pertsev was sentenced to more than five years in prison by a Dutch court after prosecutors argued that the platform was created for money laundering. Holding developers accountable for the misuse of their code sends another huge shockwave through the IT community and shows how far governments are willing to go.

EU push for chat surveillance

The EU's recent push for mass scanning of private messages on platforms like WhatsApp and Signal has further fueled concerns about living in an over-surveillance society. Officials argue that the proposed Chat Control 2.0 regulation is necessary to prevent “child sexual abuse material (CSAM)”. However, encrypted messaging platforms and privacy advocates strongly oppose the proposal, likening it to the mass surveillance depicted in George Orwell's dystopian novel “1984”.

Many argue that the proposed Chat Control regulation is incompatible with end-to-end encryption, a security feature that ensures messages can only be read by the sender and intended recipient. Implementing such a proposal would give enormous power to private companies, many of them based in the United States, to engage in mass surveillance of European citizens. This move has met with significant opposition, as it threatens to undermine the very foundation of digital privacy.

Fortunately, the vote on this controversial proposal was postponed on short notice last week, but this does not mean that the issue is resolved. The postponement of the vote on Chat Control 2.0 provides a temporary reprieve, but the debate is far from over. The possibility of such regulations being implemented in the future remains a major concern, as it could set a dangerous precedent for privacy in the digital age.

Living in an over-monitored society

The push for transparency in blockchain transactions may be rooted in a desire to combat money laundering and cryptocrime, but at what cost? Well, the fact is that privacy-enhancing tools like privacy coins and crypto mixers could be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they offer legitimate users the ability to protect their financial privacy in an age where data breaches and surveillance are rampant. On the other hand, they provide criminals with the means to evade law enforcement, but that doesn't justify such proposals and regulations.

The situation is further complicated by proposals such as Chat Control 2.0, which aims to scan private messages on encrypted platforms to prevent CSAM. While the goal may be understandable, the methods raise significant ethical and technical questions. End-to-end encryption is a cornerstone of digital privacy, and undermining it could open the door to widespread surveillance and data breaches.

Moreover, giving private companies the power to scan and monitor personal communications or heavily monitor the blockchain shifts the balance of power in troubling ways. Restrictions on privacy coins and Bitcoin mixer regulatory tendencies could drive these technologies further underground, making them even harder to monitor. Similarly, Chat Control 2.0 regulations, if implemented, could undermine trust in digital communication platforms and push users toward even less secure solutions. The potential for such regulation means that the privacy of European citizens remains at risk.


The EU's efforts to regulate privacy coins, crypto mixers, and encrypted communications reflect a broader struggle to adapt legal and regulatory frameworks to new technologies. However, it is critical that these efforts do not come at the expense of individual privacy and liberty. As the debate continues, it is imperative that policymakers consider the long-term implications of their decisions and strive to protect both security and privacy. The future of digital privacy and surveillance will depend on finding this balance and ensuring that the pursuit of security does not lead to an over-surveillance and Orwellian society.

Disclaimer: This article does not serve as a piece of financial advice or encouragement and inducement for the usage of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Its primary role is informative, explanatory, and educational. The readers have to decide themselves whether to use or not to use these types of services.

Further reading

7 days ago · 6 min read

How to make Bitcoin untraceable

Bitcoin itself requires no proof of identity for users to create wallets or conduct transactions. However, achieving true anonymity in Bitcoin transactions has become more difficult due to the transparent nature of the blockchain and the increasing pressure to implement KYC policies. While the blockchain itself is public and immutable, the transparency of the Bitcoin ledger creates a paradox: the technology prevents tampering but at the same time exposes all transaction data and makes it traceable. Thus, if ordinary users wish to keep their Bitcoin transactions untraceable, they must employ various methods to enhance Bitcoin's anonymity.

22 days ago · 6 min read

Is Bitcoin traceable?

The idea of anonymity is central to the conversation surrounding Bitcoin. Since its inception, Bitcoin has been celebrated for providing a way to transfer wealth without the need for banks or traditional financial institutions. But with that came the perception that Bitcoin transactions were completely anonymous, allowing users to move funds without leaving a trace. That's not exactly the case. Bitcoin operates with a level of pseudo-anonymity, meaning that users are not completely anonymous, but instead use pseudonyms in the form of wallet addresses. These addresses can be traced, making Bitcoin far from the completely private currency it is often made out to be.

1 month ago · 5 min read

Can Bitcoin transactions be anonymous?

Bitcoin, often considered the pioneer of decentralized digital currencies, has become a global phenomenon. Many believe that using Bitcoin is the same as using cash. However, this perception is far from accurate. While Bitcoin offers a degree of privacy, it does not provide inherent anonymity. In an era where financial privacy is increasingly at risk, understanding the true nature of Bitcoin's transparency and how to navigate it for greater privacy is critical. So can Bitcoin transactions be truly anonymous?

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