—— 1 year ago · 5 min read ——

How to use a Bitcoin mixer

Do's and dont's of using a bitcoin mixer.

As cryptocurrencies continue to gain popularity, so does the need for privacy and anonymity when using them. Bitcoin mixers, also known as tumblers, are an effective way to increase the privacy and anonymity of your Bitcoin transactions. In this article, we will explore what a Bitcoin mixer is and provide five tips on how to use a Bitcoin mixer effectively, as well as three tips on what not to do when using them.

What is a Bitcoin mixer?

A Bitcoin mixer is a service that mixes your Bitcoin transactions with other users' transactions to make it difficult for anyone to track the transaction back to you. Bitcoin mixers break up your transactions into smaller parts and mix them with the transactions of other users in the given pool. This process makes it difficult for anyone to track the transaction back to you, increasing your anonymity and privacy.

However, before you dive right into using any Bitcoin mixer, here are 5 tips of how to use a Bitcoin mixer correctly:

Tip #1: Choose a reliable Bitcoin mixer

When choosing a Bitcoin mixer, it is essential to choose a reliable one that you can trust. You do not want to use a mixer that steals your bitcoins or does not provide the anonymity it claims to offer. Research and read reviews on various Bitcoin mixers before selecting one.

There are many different and reliable options one can choose. These include for instance Samourai and Wasabi wallets, Unijoin or Whir.

Tip #2: Check the fees and minimum transaction limits

Some Bitcoin mixers charge high fees, while others charge a minimal fee. Additionally, some mixers have minimum transaction limits. Ensure that you know the fees and minimum transaction limits of the mixer you choose to use, since it can surprise you how much the transactions can cost.

This is due to a good reason. If the users want privacy, they need to pay a “premium” on what normal transaction would cost. While the fees can very often be as low as 1%, its better to know beforehand how much you are going to pay.

Tip #3: Use a VPN and Tor browser

To further increase your anonymity, use a VPN and Tor browser when accessing the Bitcoin mixer's website. This step will make it difficult for anyone to trace your activity back to you.

These two tools especially can really improve the privacy. While Bitcoin mixing can do a lot of heavy lifting of that, unless you really make sure that not only your Bitcoin address, but also your IP or digital footprint is as obscure and anonymous as possible, the privacy will not be perfect. Tor and VPN can really help with that.

Tip #4: Use a strong password and two-factor authentication

If it is required, which is not a very common, use 2FA. It is essential to use a strong password and enable two-factor authentication when using a Bitcoin mixer that asks you for a login or an account. This step will prevent anyone from accessing your Bitcoin mixer account and stealing your bitcoins.

However, for instance Whir does not require any account creation, passwords or 2FA. With Whir, there is no KYC or ID check, meaning that you can freely use this Bitcoin mixer without going through a tedious background check.

Tip #5: Always verify the Bitcoin mixer's address

Before sending your bitcoins to the mixer's address, always verify that the address is correct. Verify the address by checking it against the mixer's official website or using a trusted Bitcoin address verifier.

While this might sound like a really foolish point, you would be surprised how many times people do not take the time to check what they are doing. In the world of Bitcoin, sending Bitcoin transaction to an address that you did not want means that you will never receive the money back. So, you better be careful and always double check where you are sending the funds.

What NOT to do when using a Bitcoin mixer?

Now that we have covered how to use a Bitcoin mixer effectively, let us discuss three things not to do when using a Bitcoin mixer.

Tip #1: Do not reuse the same address

Probably the biggest Bitcoin “no-no.” When using a Bitcoin mixer, do not reuse the same Bitcoin address for multiple transactions. In fact, you should never do this, even if you are not using Bitcoin mixer. Reusing the same address makes it easier for anyone to track your transactions and follow your funds.

Tip #2: Do not mix large amounts of Bitcoins in one transaction

Do not mix large amounts of Bitcoins in one transaction. Mixing a large number of bitcoins in one transaction makes it easier for someone to track the transaction back to you. It also makes any mistake you make much more costly.

Tip #3: Do not use a public Wi-Fi network

Avoid using a public Wi-Fi network when using a Bitcoin mixer. Public Wi-Fi networks are not secure, and anyone can intercept your internet traffic and steal your bitcoins. While this should be a common knowledge just like many of the other tips and tricks in this article, there are still people who are harming themselves by using public Wi-Fis.


Using a Bitcoin mixer is an effective way to increase the privacy and anonymity of your Bitcoin transactions. When using a Bitcoin mixer, always choose a reliable mixer, check the fees and minimum transaction limits, use a VPN and Tor browser, use a strong password and two-factor authentication, and verify the Bitcoin mixer's address.

Additionally, avoid reusing the same address, mixing large amounts of Bitcoins in one transaction, and using a public Wi-Fi network. By following these tips, you can use a Bitcoin mixer effectively and increase your privacy and anonymity when using Bitcoin.

With all of these tips and tricks, there is only one thing left for you to do. And that is to actually try a Bitcoin mixer, so if you do not have any experience with this type of service, feel free to use Whir!

Disclaimer: This article does not serve as a piece of financial advice or encouragement and inducement for the usage of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Its primary role is informative, explanatory, and educational. The readers have to decide themselves whether to use or not to use these types of services.

Further reading

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The tension between privacy and security has reached a critical point. Following the lead of the United States, the European Union (EU) has begun to crack down on crypto mixers and privacy coins for their ability to make cryptocurrency payments anonymous. This shift marks a significant step towards increased surveillance in the digital realm, raising concerns about the future of privacy in an over-monitored society.

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Crypto mixers and the fight for privacy

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